Why did we start writing Thoughts?

Introducing our new project called “Thoughts.” This is the story of how we have turned our thoughts into reality. It was created for writing thoughts about our project experiences, building better futures with creativity & design, and bringing meaning to the design process. It desires to inspire you to create change — whether in yourself or the world. Because everything begins with a thought!

3 min readMay 18, 2021

Originally published at https://humanastudio.com/thoughts

Recently we’ve been asking ourselves, “What should we do to start writing thoughts and share them with you?”.

In a short answer, we’ve decided to create this place where we can communicate what’s in our minds. We call it “the safe place” because it’s a space that allows us to express our knowledge, stories, and ideas to inspire others.

But, now you might be thinking, “Why Thoughts?”.

Well, the answer couldn’t be more obvious and according to Karen Lawson:

“(…) Thoughts are mental cognitions — our ideas, opinions, and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.”

Karen Lawson

That’s why we decided to choose “Thoughts”. The purpose: A project to write thoughts — positive thoughts — and sharing them with you, learn and desire to create change — whether in ourselves or in the world.

So, we had to figure out how we could embrace this project with a different perspective and start expressing thoughts.

Whenever we start a new project, it’s essential to learn and understand it first. Reading other articles, blogs, books, and watching videos helped us form our thoughts, opinions, and ideas. That was our starting point and how we got the inspiration to start this creative process.

These are the steps we took to conceptualize “Thoughts”:

  1. Choosing the platform;
  2. Searching for references;
  3. What should we do differently comparing to our references;
  4. How we’re going to structure our blog;
  5. What thoughts are we going to share;
  6. Start writing thoughts!!

We had one thing in our minds from the beginning, and it was that we didn’t want “Thoughts” to be just another technical design blog. With that being said, we came up with the idea of creating what we like to call “Series”.

Every Series is special to us! It’s an attempt to sharing thoughts about our project experiences, build better futures with creativity & design, and book recommendations. Our ambition is simple: to approach different perspectives and viewpoints about a subject and wishfully, to help you broaden your horizon and be a source of inspiration.

But we are not writers; we aren’t used to writing creatively, but to become better writers, all we need to do is to write!

Writing can be beneficial to everyone! It’s a creative process and a valuable tool for thinking and productivity. It becomes a kind of meditation where we make reflections on ourselves. Paul Jun affirms:

“(…) As much as writing is about communicating with others, it begins with self-reflection.”

The result: We see it as a win-win where both of us (you and us) can learn something from it.

As mentioned above, words can be a powerful tool to communicate and spread our message. Knowing that we live in an unfair world, we still believe that we can make a difference.

What can we do to change mentalities and create a better world?

Well, designers have the skill set to communicate, influence, and motivate people. But to be able to communicate efficiently, good writing is key. For us, good writing means creating context and not content! But what does that mean, you may ask. According to the MasterClass Staff:

“(…) context provides meaning and clarity to the intended message.“

MasterClass Staff

The information needs to be clear and precise to start creating a positive impact in our community. This is what we will do — building a relationship with you through reflective, helpful, and educational content to create a better world!

Now it’s time to turn our words into actions

What has started as an idea is now a commitment to us! We promise to bring you context by expressing thoughts, reflections, and personal experiences positively.

We are happy to write thoughts and share them with you! Thank you for your interest.

The team at Humana

Do you want to read more thoughts? Please subscribe to our newsletter or visit our blog at https://humanastudio.com/thoughts




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